Monday, November 10, 2003

A Pair of Interesting Articles

This first articles talks about a new IBM server platform, the x455 which will let customers configure a server with between 4 and 16 processors in a manner which reminds me of lego. Need more processing power? Slide in another group of processors.

CRN : Daily Archives : IBM Pushes Scalable Itanium Server : 4:36 PM EST Mon., Nov. 10, 2003

But this second article could add a really interesting twist to the above capability. VMware's new capability provides a huge degree of abstraction from the underlying hardware. Workload can be moved around using a drop-and-drop interface.

InformationWeek > Virtual Servers > Multiplying Virtual Servers With New VMware Tools > November 10, 2003

So if you need more horespower on a server, you could add more x455 units, or move a virtual server image to another physical server.


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