Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Quantum cryptography unbreakable?

Laser cracks 'unbreakable' quantum communications

I have maintained for years that there is no security scheme that is uncrackable it is just a matter of are you smart enough and perhaps have enough money.

If a vendor tries to pitch a product to me and claims it is completely secure indirectly also tells me they don't really understand security and that their people are not smart enough to even consider how to attack it and succeed.

Quantum crypto was hailed as being uncrackable. I didn't believe it even though I knew relatively little about quantum anything.

Finally remember the Maginot Line.

An opportunity to pick up either space or customers, or both!

Bank Mergers Spell Change for Branches in Manhattan

Nervous customers may wish to jump to a competitor - perhaps seeking to diversify their deposits to fit within the FDIC coverage, and empty brnach locations provide plenty of opportunities - if we can talk ourselves into the spaces.

Monday, October 06, 2008

'Discomgoogolation' - this is why I have a blackberry!

Feel stressed if you can't get online? You could have 'discomgoogolation'

I do hate to admit it, but while in Alaska and Yukon in July there were days on end when I had no internet connection. It was somewhat stressful. I guess I should do that more often.