Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Interesting Items From Apple's World Wide Developer Conference

I don't own a Mac. Somedays I wish I did. This week more than most. I would like to win the lottery too!

So what is so attractive this week. Well, first off there is the dual processor 2.5Ghz G5. It's not new. But it is what goes with it that is interesting. Like the 30 inch Cinema displays! Gorgeous. A pair of those would be ever so sweet.

What else? Spotlight. This is Apple's search technology that will be part of the Tiger release of OsX. Think of it as Google for your desktop. The demonstration at the conference was very impressive. Speed was excellent. But I think effectiveness it the more important aspect. With spotlight you can save a search query and have it re-executed any time. Because of its speed, one should regret opening such a folder. I know that when I do a search on my windows machine, I plan on it taking some time.

Finally there is Rendevous. This might come in handy within our branch environment for application deployments with minimal configuration.

These are each very cool. Good work Apple.

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